China officially approves Guangzhou Land and Space Master Plan (2021-2035)

China officially approved the “Guangzhou Land and Space Master Plan (2021-2035)”

Recently, the State Council of China officially approved the “Guangzhou Land and Space Master Plan (2021-2035)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”), giving Guangzhou the “6+4” urban nature and core functions, providing us with a major opportunity and injecting strong momentum to make a good start and a good start in the new journey of further deepening reform in an all-round way.

The Eighth Plenary Session of the 12th Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee emphasized that we must keep in mind the “big things of the country”, focus on the mission and tasks given to Guangzhou by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee, continue to consolidate and enhance the “6+4” urban nature and core functions, accelerate the realization of new vitality of old cities, “four new and colorful”, and continue to play a leading and locomotive role in high-quality development.

The “Plan” approved by the State Council is a programmatic document for Guangzhou to promote high-quality development and take the lead in realizing socialist modernization. It clarifies Guangzhou’s vision of building a central world city, endows Guangzhou with the “6+4” urban nature and core functions, further highlights the important central city status of my country, and for the first time proposes the urban nature of “a modern city with marine characteristics, a science, technology, education and culture center” and the core functions of “a national advanced manufacturing base, a comprehensive portal, and an important carrier of the international science and technology innovation center”…

The train to 2035 in Guangzhou has already started. Let us further unify our thoughts and actions with the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the provincial and municipal party committees, take the “Plan” as a guide, use practical work as a driving force, work together, make every effort, and work together to rush to the modern new Guangzhou!